I was determined to face the "music" before the New Year. I had to put that incident behind me. It has changed my life drastically. I hadn't owned a pistol in 30 years. I now own and shoot it frequently. Malwart guy calls me the 9mm granny, I don't buy less than 250 at a time.
When I went in to the restaurant, my stomach sank as I walked in. I had already stopped outside and looked thru the windows, just like I did that night. Almost turned around. No plastic in the mail yet, so I was unarmed. I waited in the parking lot til I could park in the door.
3 employees in the kitchen, 2 came out to greet me and wanted to know where I had been. They both knew I was the customer who came in during the robbery, they had seen the video. Then I learned the rest of the story.
I was right, it was someone the employees on duty that night knew. From what I learned it was all a set up. And, it wasn't the first, the same thing to the same employees had occurred about 10 months before.
That kind of made me feel better, but at the same time, those guys know my name and phone number and where I work. Apparently there have been no charges filed, I must remind the local gendarmes that I too am a victim and request my rights as a victim.
I'm not sure why, but I am more confident about my own abilities than I was. I have a friend, who says if anything happens, she's coming to wherever I am because she knows that I will be able to handle anything. She said she had dreams about me coordinating incidents, 3 radios, 2 headsets and 2 clipboards. Personally, I call that a nightmare!
Happy New Year All!
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