Monday, September 19, 2011


Ok, so my car was extremely prepared, as far as content goes. I had too much stuff to clean out at the tow yard after the wreck.

I had no idea how criminal the tow business is here. My car was being held hostage, after being towed over 30 miles away from the scene of the accident. Well out of the city where it occurred, even though he had a lot in that town.  It was a scam to try and get the deal to fix my car.

Will be talking to the director of public safety about that one.

Still hurt & have headache after my concussive event. Diner then home to take out trash.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

There was no storm

But the question is did you take any action to prepare? This was your wake-up call, Lee went somewhere else & Katia is no where near a coastline. We also know that our chances are very high this year for a major land falling storm. Irene wasn't it.

So lets see what we can do to make this process a little easier. Every time we go to the store we can add to our preparation supplies. This way when the next blow comes we'll already have our water and every one else is scrambling over empty shelves to get theirs. This week your assignment is to buy those gallon jugs of water. OK you've already got water. Then how about food that requires no preparation?

Those boxes of tuna kits with crackers are light weight, easily packable & heavier on protein than carbs. Hey! It's a start right? And don't forget the peanut butter and jelly!

While you're at the checkout lane find a primer on hydroponics. We'll talk about growing your own survival garden where prying eyes can't see later.

Check and see how your community is participating in National Preparedness month. Take a class!

Have a safe and healthy Labor Day weekend! We'll talk again next week.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to blog

With the advent of the new droid com gear & the departure of the testosterone laden distraction, I should be able to head back in the proper direction for the blog.

Tonight I only have one item for your consideration. As the northeast begins to repair/recovee from Irene, many there are discovering that thay were woefully un-ready for the lady to come visiting.

Here is a product you can look at for yourself to see if its right for you.

If you want a package that has all your bases covered except the 2 gallons of water per day person this is one solution.

If you need some help with water, google "waterbob". This is a food grade plastic bag that fits in yor tub and can store up to 125 gallons of water. It comes with a hand pump to take out the water as you need it. Pretty good for hunker down mode.

I'm prepping for my first ever tropical potential this weekend. All uniforms washed lots of clean undies and socks. All I have to do is pack the 42" rolling duffel and off to the bunker.

I will take the 2 pristeen shirts for potential stand in the background at the press conference wear. When its over they go right back on the hanger.

In the words of Dr Sydney Friedman "Ladies and gentlemen take my advice, take down your pants and slide on the ice." (free attaboy for the first caller to tell me where that was spoken)

Remember, you are loved.

Live long
Love much
Laugh often